Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Because of Isaac

A blogging friend of mine (whom I have briefly met in person) has had a difficult road of infertility. Through that battle they have adopted, then found out they were pregnant. They now have two boys about 6 months apart, and are expecting a third!

Wendi has a heart for those still on the road of infertility and posted recently about that. If you are silently dealing with this issue, or have friends that are dealing with it, here is the post with a few resources.

Their heart is also for those that want to adopt children. Even though they are deployed to Turkey, they have started a non-profit support website for adoption. They are highlighting a family to help raise money for their adoption. They are prayerfully considered, and have to be adopting through Bethany. I have more details listed below.

Before I leave you with the explanation from Wendi about "Because of Isaac", I would like you to prayerfully consider donating to their cause. Here is a link to "Because of Isaac" and the link to Wendi's Blog.

From Wendi:

Only the announcement of the adoption/birth of our children have I been this excited to put up a post on my blog. I am so very excited tofinally get to share this with the world.

The goal of Because of Isaac is very simple: We want to help raise funds to help childless couples adopt. We are starting with a couple very near and dear to our heart: JB's older sister Elizabeth and her husband Grant. But it is our hope that if this first adoption goes as planned, we will be able to spread our wings and continue onward ... helping more and more childless couples hold their child for the very first time just as we did with our little Isaac.

But we need to your help!

In order for this organization to get off the ground, I am seeking the support and prayers of people close to us. Blog readers. Facebook friends. Family. Friends. Acquaintances. While we will be moving forward with advertisement of various means, the way that this will most be spread is by word-of-mouth. Or by word-of-web!

Please take some time to visit our website. And then I am asking you to do the following:

1. Pray for this organization and for Grant & Elizabeth.

2. Post a link to: Because of Isaac on your blog. Post it on Facebook. And send an email to those in your contact list.

3. Pledge to donate $100 BUT ...

4. ... if you cannot financially donate $100 would you pledge (to yourself) to FIND 10 people to donate $10 each? If we can find 250 people to donate $100 (or a combination there-of) we will reach our goal of $25,000 -- the estimated amount for Grant & Elizabeth to become parents. I have nearly that many people who read my blog each day.

I am so very excited to share this with all of you! How amazing will it be for each of us to know that we contributed to a family's creation! Please spread the word today!

1 comment:

Wendi Kitsteiner said...

Denise, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for plugging this for us!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I so appreciate you!

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